Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine treats all forms of illness and disease using natural therapies. It is the art and science of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, while maintaining and optimizing health and wellbeing. Licensed naturopathic services are HST exempt, and are reimbursable by health care benefit plans (coverage may vary depending on your plan), no referral is required.

Red Light & PEMF Therapy

Red Light (Red Laser and near infrared wavelengths) therapy, laser & infrared lights help improve mitochondria to optimally produce ATP (energy molecule) which can speed up healing to resolve pain, improve general energy/fatigue, etc. OR Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy. PEMF uses extremely low/gentle electromagnetic fields. Pulsing those fields can stimulate our cells' magnetic ... Read More

Red Light (Red Laser and near infrared wavelengths) therapy, laser & infrared lights help improve mitochondria to optimally produce ATP (energy molecule) which can speed up healing to resolve pain, improve general energy/fatigue, etc.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy. PEMF uses extremely low/gentle electromagnetic fields. Pulsing those fields can stimulate our cells' magnetic field and "charge" our cells with the energy they are designed to function at. PEMF can be used to treat & reduce many forms of inflammation & pain.

Medical Doctor

MD, licensed with CPSO to see patients in Ontario.
Sees patients for acute/ recent Tick Bite consults only. ILADS trained physician.
Works in conjunction with the Naturopath Dr. David Collings, ND.
Not covered by OHIP.

Dr. Collings is a licensed naturopathic doctor working out of Queens Health, in Thornton, ON. His services can be billed to insurance benefit plans. He treats a wide variety of chronic conditions prescribing herbal medicine, dietary advice, acupuncture, and lifestyle counselling. Dr. Collings’ areas of additional training and special interest include, but are not limited to; Chronic Lyme Disease, Adjunctive Cancer Care, Pain management, Food Allergy Treatment, Hormone Imbalance and Cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Collings is a licensed naturopathic doctor working out of Queens Health, in Thornton, ON. His... Read More

Dr. Martin practiced Emergency Medicine for 25 years and also was the CEO of Martin’s Rejuvenation Clinic in Barrie. She retired in 2021, but has returned to practice for the sole intention of helping prevent Lyme disease in those that have recently been bitten by a tick. Unfortunately, she is not able to treat established or ongoing tick borne infections.

Dr. Martin practiced Emergency Medicine for 25 years and also was the CEO of Martin’s Rejuvenatio... Read More

Red Light (Red Laser and near infrared wavelengths) therapy. Help improve mitochondria to optimally produce ATP (energy molecule) which can speed up healing to resolve pain, improve general energy/fatigue, etc. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy. PEMF uses low/gentle pulsed EMFs which can stimulate / “charge” our cells with the energy they are designed to function at. PEMF can be used to treat & reduce many forms of inflammation & pain.

Red Light (Red Laser and near infrared wavelengths) therapy. Help improve mitochondria to optimal... Read More

Located at: 238 Barrie St, Thornton
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